

公司中文名称: 武威保税物流中心运营管理有限公司

公司英文名称:Wuwei Bonded Logistics Center Operation Management Co., Ltd



中欧班列“天马号”是甘肃首个开行中欧的班列,首列于2014年12月12日发出,截止目前天马号共计发车27列,累计发货1350车。出口至德国、格鲁吉亚、土耳其等国,中欧班列“天马号”现已经常态化运行,货源来自浙江,江苏、河南、天津、北京、上海、河北、湖北、湖南、四川、云南、安徽、山东、宁夏、新疆、甘肃等地;货物种类有工程机械、五金建材、日用百货、白色家电、电子产品、玩具、办公用品、 型钢、石油管道、汽车零部件、钻探设备等。力争利用武威的区位和交通优势,启动中欧班列全国各省区合作“代码共享”,开行中欧货运专列。

China Europe train "Tianma" is the first China Europe train in Gansu. The first train was launched on December 12, 2014. So far, Tianma has sent 27 trains, with a total of 1350 containers. It is exported to Germany, Tbilisi, Turkey and other countries. The China Europe train "Tianma" now has  been operated regularly. The goods are from Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Henan, Tianjin, Beijing, Shanghai, Hebei, Hubei, Hunan, Sichuan, Yunnan, Anhui, Shandong, Ningxia, Xinjiang, Gansu and other places; The types of goods include construction machinery, hardware and building materials, daily necessities, white appliances, electronic products, toys, office supplies, section steel, oil pipelines, auto parts, drilling equipment, etc. We will strive to make use of Wuwei's location and transportation advantages to start the "code sharing" of China EU train cooperation among provinces and regions across the country and launch the China EU freight train.