公司中文名称: 中铁国际多式联运有限公司
公司英文名称:China Railway International Multimodal Transport Co., Ltd.
中铁国际多式联运有限公司(以下简称:中铁多联公司)是中铁集装箱运输有限责任公司下属的全资子公司和经营平台,主要负责中欧班列、铁海快线、多联快车、国际联运、多式联运、中铁箱境外(下水)等业务的管理和经营。其前身中铁国际货运代理有限责任公司成立于1996年,是中国最早一批从事国际货运代理业务的企业,具有20余年的国际货运代理经验。公司注册资本7000万元, 2019年、2020年度公司连续荣列中国货代物流百强综合榜前五强,陆运二十强榜中排名第一。
中铁多联公司是中国国际货代协会(CIFA)常务理事单位、中国船舶代理及无船承运人协会(CASA)常务理事单位、中国口岸协会理事单位、中国交通运输协会多式联运分会副理事长单位、中欧班列运输协调委员首批会员单位、西部陆海新通道班列运输协调委员首批会员单位, 于2006年通过ISO9001国际质量体系认证,并保持体系持续有效运行。
公司下设哈尔滨、沈阳、北京、太原、呼和浩特、郑州、武汉、西安、济南、上海、南昌、广州、南宁、昆明、兰州、乌鲁木齐、青藏等17个分公司和全资子公司四川中铁集装箱物流有限公司、驻阿拉木图代表处, 控股中俄铁集国际货运代理(北京)有限公司, 参股连云港港铁国际集装箱多式联运有限公司等8个公司,经营网络遍及亚洲、欧洲主要国家和地区。
China Railway International Multimodal Transport Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as CRIMT) is a wholly-owned subsidiary and operating platform of China Railway Container Transportation Co., Ltd., mainly responsible for the management and operation of CHINA RAILWAY Express, Rail-sea Express, Multimodal Transport Express, international transport, multimodal transport, overseas (sea shipping) business of China Railway containers, etc. Its predecessor China Railway International Freight Forwarding Co., Ltd. (CRIF) was established in 1996, which was one of the first enterprises in China to engage in international freight forwarding business and has accumulated more than 20 years of experience in this field. The company's registered capital is 70 million yuan. In 2019 and 2020, CRIMT ranked among the top five of China’s Top 100 Freight Forwarding Logistics Enterprises and ranked the first among Top 20 Land Transport Enterprises.
CRIMT is an executive director unit of China International Freight Forwarders Association (CIFA) and China Association of Shipping Agencies & Non-Vessel-Operating Common Carriers (CASA), a council unit of China Association of Port-of-Entry (CAPP) and a deputy director unit of Multimodal Transport Branch of China Communications and Transportation Association (CCTA). CRIMT is also the first member of CHINA RAILWAY Express Transport Coordination Committee and the first member of the New Western Land-sea Corridor Transport Coordination Committee. CRIMT obtained the ISO9001 international quality system certification in 2006 and has kept the system running continuously and effectively.
CRIMT has 17 branches, respectively in Harbin, Shenyang, Beijing, Taiyuan, Hohhot, Zhengzhou, Wuhan, Xi'an, Jinan, Shanghai, Nanchang, Guangzhou, Nanning, Kunming, Lanzhou, Urumqi and Qinghai-Tibet, as well as a wholly-owned subsidiary China Railway Container Logistics (Sichuan) Co., Ltd., an overseas representative office in Almaty, a holding company Chinese-Russian Railway Container International Freight Forwarding (Beijing)Co., Ltd., 8 share holding companies including Lianyungang Port Railway International Container Multimodal Transport Co., Ltd. CRIMT’s business network covers major countries and regions throughout Asia and Europe.
With an international and high-quality business team and a variety of advanced information systems, such as an integrated business system and a container management system, CRIMT is capable to provide our clients with advanced, timely, and convenient logistics services.